Iwayfitness LLC Services

  • 1 on 1 Personal Training

  • Partner Training

  • Training and Programming

What do my clients train for?

  • Functional training, becoming stronger and more capable for activities, hobbies, and sports throughout your life!

  • Corrective and preventive exercise, get moving better, avoid injury, and stay moving well for life!

  • Strength training, becoming stronger using relative and absolute strength training practices!

  • Muscle hypertrophy, increasing muscle size and overall muscle mass through resistance training!

  • Aerobic conditioning and cardiovascular training, improve heart and lung health for vitality and more energy!

  • Become Fit For Life and utilize all of the above in your training routine!

Regardless if you’re looking to gain muscle, strength train, get back to exercise after an injury, or increase energy and functional capacity for life, all training services with me provide:

  • A thorough intake and movement assessment.

  • Individualized goal setting, programming and uninterrupted sessions.

  • My full attention to your exercise form and technique.

  • Early access for warmup and and stay after your session for that arm pump or ab exercise!

  • Additional exercise selection or programming.

How much do you want to do on your own?

  1. None? 3-5x 55 minute sessions a week for optimal results.

  2. A little? 2x 55 minute sessions a week with 1-2x resistance training programming and/or cardio on your own.

  3. More of it? 1x 55 minute session a week with 2x+ resistance training programming and/or cardio on your own.

  4. Most of it? 1x 55 minute session monthly with full programming.

  5. What about shorter sessions? Sure, I offer 30 minute sessions that are great for learning exercise technique, reviewing form, working on single lifts and accessories, mobility and flexibility, or conditioning based sessions.

Get a headstart with a personal trainer!

There are a few major obstacles one needs to overcome when committing to an exercise routine. Obstacles such as adherence, what to do, how to work around an injury or avoid an injury, and how to implement progressive overload to continue to improve yourself throughout exercise are all easily navigated with a personal trainer. Many individuals in gyms get stuck simply burning calories and NOT building muscle, lifting heavier weights, improving their heart and lung health, increasing vitality, improving mobility and flexibility, and progressing towards and achieving goals.

Exercise adherence, or how regularly one attends exercise sessions, is the #1 indicator of our fitness outcomes. One of the highest contributors to exercise adherence is the participants’ ability to understand how their exercise program leads to their goals. Fitness misconceptions have always been around, and unaccredited social media accounts, marketing gimmicks, and vocal minorities definitely continue to fuel this problem.

I help my clients overcome these obstacles by providing accountability through a full body assessment and individualized programming for short and long term goals. With proper adherence and progressive overload programming goals set up, it is just a matter of time before goals are met and the numerous health benefits to exercise are tapped into! Please see my Fitness for Life guidelines for more information on my approach to exercise!