Fitness For Life

At the end of 2022, I started compiling answers to fitness questions I am typically asked. I researched and expanded this project into my Fitness for Life Guidelines available here for free! This is an awesome resource for those seeking behavioral changes to improve their health and fitness for life!

My Fitness for Life Guidelines includes the latest researched information on:

  • Health Benefits of Exercise

  • How to Start Exercising

  • Aerobic Training

  • Resistance Training

  • Prioritizing Muscle Mass

  • Exercise Adherence

  • Mobility and Flexibility

  • Diet

  • Diet Adherence

  • Hydration

  • Sleep

Most people begin exercising for specific reasons such as to improve performance (sports), to look better (aesthetics), to be stronger or healthier, or to maintain high function (pursuing hobbies and interests throughout life). Most everyone accepts that there are general health benefits to exercise, but the degree of benefit or specifics on how to get the most out of exercise remain unknown. Providing a well sourced overview from the latest studies, books, and presentations on exercise is a great educational tool to help overcome barriers and lead to greater exercise adherence. The major purposes of my guidelines is to provide easily accessible high quality information for people starting or partaking in an exercise program, answer questions as one progresses in exercise, and direct individuals to more advanced progressions when interested. I believe these guidelines will inspire motivation to start taking better care of oneself. I hope the ongoing discipline one builds through the effort put into exercise becomes, and continues to build upon its own reward. Continue reading my free Fitness for Life Guidelines here!