Who is Isaac Way?

I am a NSCA-CPT with over 10 years of experience training 12000+ hours with hundreds of clients from ages 16 to 89 (working on 90!) in all matters of exercise.

From transitioning to the gym from physical therapy to never having another injury.

From gaining a couple pounds of muscle to gaining over 30 pounds of muscle.

From having chronic back pain to being back pain free through exercise.

From learning how to squat and deadlift to performing these exercises with hundreds of pounds.

From being diagnosed with cancer to surviving cancer and continuing to live a healthy life.

From learning the first pullup to performing a one arm pullup.

From regularly falling down at 80 to continue independent living at 89 years old.

From losing weight to keeping fat mass off for life!

From whatever starting point to whatever goal, I have success helping my clients achieve their goals and improve their life.

Recovering from Chronic Pain

Shortly after becoming a certified personal trainer, I was diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in 2013. A condition with no known cure, CRPS is a rare neurological disorder where the body misinterprets the severity and duration of pain in the body. It took me years using medication, acupuncture, temperature treatments, and daily exercises to fully recover, medication and pain free! I have continued pain free increasing my own fitness, pursuing my favorite activities, and helping others overcome their obstacles to regular exercise and improving their lives!


When I was a new personal trainer, I created a Youtube channel over 10 years ago. I am pleased to say that I am returning to Youtube to share my training experience with a wider audience. I have definitely learned so much since my early days, have significantly helped many clients, and continue to pursue new knowledge.



In addition to my National Strength and Conditioning Association Certified Personal Trainer credential, I am a NASM Performance Enhancement Specialist (PES), NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES), NASM Senior Fitness Specialist (SFS), NASM Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC), and I have Functional Movement Systems (FMS) I & II. I don’t let these credentials define my training, as my extensive experience, regular NSCA seminar participation, book and scientific literature reading, and fitness professionals’ social media and interaction all greatly expand my training capability.


Apart from a wide variety of exercise enjoyment and utilization in my own programming, I enjoy keeping up to date with the latest exercise and health findings by reading studies and books, listening to podcasts, or viewing youtube. I often share my latest findings with clients. I firmly believe in nature’s ability to reduce stress and improve mood, and most weekends I’ll be out hiking or backpacking where I may also be engaged in photography or mycology!